BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE 2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000032488

Erasmus + KA2 – Partnerships for cooperation in the field of school education

Event Date: October 10, 2023

Event Duration: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Turkish Time)

Event Organizer: BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Bursa / TURKEY

Event Objectives:

The Virtual Mobility II event aimed to explore different perspectives on climate change and energy production. Students were provided with the opportunity to evaluate various perspectives on the role of nuclear energy in preventing climate change using the Six Thinking Hats technique.

Event Flow:

Presentations and Discussions:

    • Each partner school evaluated the topic of nuclear energy assigned to them under a specific thinking hat.
    • Each team was given 10 minutes to make a

Jury Evaluation:

  • The jury assessed teams based on criteria such as defense consistency, theme compliance, originality, creativity, and presentation style.
  • Each partner school was represented by a teacher in the

Popularity Award:

  • Participating students voted for the popularity award using Google

Participating Schools and Assigned Hats:

Each school was assigned a thinking hat and addressed the topic of nuclear energy within that framework.

  • Colegiul Tehnologic „Grigore Cerchez” / ROMANIA
    • Thinking Hat: White Hat (Information)
  • Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Adama Mickiewicza w Tarnowie / POLAND
    • Thinking Hat: Yellow Hat (Positive)
  • Nazilli Anadolu Lisesi / TURKEY
    • Thinking Hat: Red Hat (Emotional)
  • Liceul Teoretic „Emil Racovita / ROMANIA
    • Thinking Hat: Black Hat (Negative)
  • Srednja Skola Valpovo / CROATIA
    • Thinking Hat: Green Hat (Creative)
  • BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi / TURKEY
    • Thinking Hat: Blue Hat (Organization)

Evaluation and Awards:

The Virtual Mobility II meeting provided students with the opportunity to evaluate and discuss

different perspectives on climate change and energy production. Each school addressed the topic of nuclear energy from six different perspectives determined by the thinking hats.

1st Prize: Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adama Mickiewicza w Tarnowie / POLAND

  • Thinking Hat: Yellow Hat (Positive)
  • Evaluation: Delivered an effective presentation highlighting the potential advantages of nuclear energy in combating climate change. Stood out with a positive and

optimistic perspective.

2nd Prize: Liceul Teoretic „Emil Racovita / Vaslui – ROMANIA

  • Thinking Hat: Black Hat (Negative)
  • Evaluation: Addressed the potential risks and dangers of nuclear energy Presented a compelling defense by emphasizing the negative aspects.

3rd Prize: BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi / Bursa – TURKEY

  • Thinking Hat: Blue Hat (Organization)
  • Evaluation: Stood out with an original approach and organization regarding regulating nuclear energy policies and improving safety. Successfully conducted the

presentation with remarkable discussion and organizational skills.

Popularity Award:

  • School: [BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi / Bursa – TURKEY]
  • Evaluation: Voted as the most popular team by participating students

Student and Teacher Feedback:

Post-event evaluations revealed that students:

  • Improved creative thinking and critical analysis
  • Enhanced cultural awareness through interaction with students from different
  • Strengthened teamwork and communication Teachers stated that the event:
  • Strengthened students’ interdisciplinary thinking skills and encouraged in-depth participation in the topic.
  • Contributed to the successful completion of the event by having students present well-prepared and informed presentations.


The Virtual Mobility II meeting has significantly contributed to enhancing students’ skills in evaluating different perspectives on climate change and energy production. The interaction and collaboration among participating schools have reinforced students’ interdisciplinary thinking abilities and

improved their intercultural communication skills. Additionally:

  • Students gathered under six different thinking hats to discuss nuclear energy,

providing an opportunity to evaluate the topic from a broader perspective and show respect for various viewpoints.

  • The participation of students from different countries increased cultural Students had the opportunity to share perspectives from their own cultures while discussing topics.
  • We extend our gratitude to BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi for successfully organizing the event. The organization ensured active student participation and contributed to the achievement of the event’s objectives.
  • We thank all participating schools for their dedicated Each school addressing the topic according to the assigned thinking hat enriched the event, making it a diverse and valuable experience.

In conclusion, the Virtual Mobility II meeting has been an effective platform for expanding students’ intellectual capacities, fostering intercultural interactions, and encouraging the evaluation of various thought patterns. This experience has helped students become more globally aware individuals and more conscious contributors to global issues.


Prepared by Kadir ATMAN – School Project Contact Person

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